Song of Eternal Beauty
Oil Painting on Canvas. I wanted to create a painting that celebrated the beauty in getting older. To remind women them that they are eternally beautiful.
2D Fine Art (Oil Painting)
48 x 36
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Venus Rising, A Celebration of Women (150-500 words).
Do you see the sun as setting or rising? Are you worried that when your youth has come and gone that you will no longer be beautiful? The woman In this painting is completely comfortable with who she is. She is confident, wise and knows herself very well. It is these attributes that make her beautiful, for she understands that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and truly comes from within. She wakes every new day she is given grateful. With a sense of excitement to learn and continue to GROW older and not become stagnant. As the woman connects with creation she can see all life as beautiful. The power of her beauty becomes an authentic adoration for herself and all she can do. Her genuinity resonates sweetly with all those around her. When the day comes that her sun truly sets, those that loved her will note on her grace and all will remember her as the beautiful soul that gave a taste from her eternal song.